Data Science & Analytics Fri, 17 May 2024 03:11:36 +0000 en-gb (Elmot Ltd: the technology you are looking for. ) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) An enterprise has many departments each with different functions and operations. From production, logistics, HR, accounting and finance, sales, customer relationship management, procurement, distribution among others. Operating all departments manually or separately has inherent challenges that reduce enterprise growth in profits, repute, and even internal success. An ERP seeks to integrate all functions of an enterprise to collect, store, manage or automate operations, interpret, and share data and reports to furnish informed decision making across the enterprise.

Specifically, with modern ERP systems you can;

Customer Relationship Management (CRM);

Boost sales, improve winning rates, create polished quotes and invoices and proposals, lead automation, live chat with customers, carryout high quality insight surveys, offer touchscreen point of sale

Project Management;

Collaboratively get work done in realtime, keeping track of tasks


Manage contracts, recurring invoices and timesheets, to get paid faster


Manage book keeping, and expenses from ensuring accurate information from all operations

Warehouse Management;

Manage single or double-entry inventory


Plan, track and manage materials, and manufacturing operations

Human Resource Management;

Store and update employee information, teams share knowledge and information, streamline recruitment, track applicants, index and search resumes, track employee expenses, set-up appraisal management, payroll management, fleet management, among others.

Business Intelligence; 

Use data driven insights to make important decisions across the enterprise, teams can discuss and communicate efficiently on all resources, to-do lists, boost engagement, promote core values and objectives, challenge and reward your employees, instant messaging among others.

To learn more about how you can automate your business operations across the enterprise, contact us for a detailed proposal, demo and or presentation. 

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:59:24 +0000
Intranet & Extranet Solutions Miscommunication! Missed deadlines! An unorganized team costs a lot! In an organisation or company, employees usually work together to get the organisations’ operations done. Usually these operations are interlinked each requiring input from one, two or three employees. Intranets seek to automate and enhance collaboration and communication among teams or groups within the organisation. Sharing common resources like client contact information for follow up, invoicing, support, project management and collaboration. With appropriate access limits, extranets on the other hand bring partners like suppliers, clients and associates on board. 

Intranets are especially important for organisation with employees 10 upwards. Modern intranets will enable your organisation to;

Human Resource Management;

Directory: establish an searchable employee directory featuring profiles, contacts and other relevant information, broadcast instant announcements to groups of your team, view staff changes, absence charts, time tracking, efficiency reports, honoured employees, birthdays, orientation for new employees, visualise organisation structure, payroll management among others.


  • with the extranet module, your staff can do confidential communications with suppliers, clients, partners and other external associates in a secure environment,
  • absence charts to avoid miss-scheduling,
  • resource reservations for say meeting rooms, vans and others,
  • inhouse public opinions and feedback especially on issues affecting daily operations could see innovative suggestions come in,
  • document management and sharing,
  • create inhouse workgroups for particular functions,
  • managing and sharing calendars for efficient coordination of employee activities,
  • internal service request forms for office supplies, courier, visitor passes, deliveries and other requests,
  • employees can auto-generate reports like efficiency reports, won deals, tasks pending, leads among others,
  • idea management where employees can suggest ideas to improve operations and colleagues can evaluate the idea,
  • meetings and briefings module to shorten preparation time, sets the agendas, recording of minutes, and decisions reached in meetings, archive minutes and retrieve unfinished tasks from previous meeting, participants receive notifications with details attached, and many more collaboration features.


  • activity streams, announcements, instant messaging, video chat, channeled notifications among others.

Task Management

Time Management

Business Process Management

Customer Relationship Management

E-Learning for Employees

HelpDesk Services, for both Clients and Employees

Records Management

Among others


Contact us for a detailed proposal, demo and or presentation for an Intranet/Extranet for your organisation

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:57:58 +0000
Data Science & Analytics Renown Statistician and Entrepreneur Herb Simon, once said that “In God we trust, all the rest must bring data” Improving and optimizing your marketing starts with understanding your marketing data. With data you can make better informed decisions to increase profits, reduce expenses, to find solutions to challenges in society and business, to convince clients, to engage others to follow your cause, even to win the world cup like Germany did in 2014.

But have data is one thing and being able to use it to do the above is another.  Data scientists are trained to use all available and or relevant data to effectively tell a story that can be easily understood by non-practitioners, repurpose data to give various interesting insights, and predictions, using advanced computing, mathematical, visualization, scientific methods, statistics, ethical hacking  among other disciplines.

Using modern analytics tools and techniques like Teradata, Tableau, Socrata, Python, Machine Learning, among others, we can innovatively highlight hitherto unforeseen important insights and dimensions that can highly enhance available data to be put to more new creative and interventional use.

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:56:24 +0000
Social Media Solutions Just almost overnight, social media has changed governments, influenced policy changes, improved organisation reputations, changed start-ups into multi-million businesses and the list can go on. Whatever your organisation does, whatever its size,  harnessing the power of social media is something you don’t want to overlook. But key here how you are going to do so. As you already know, chance favours the prepared mind, you will therefore need more than just posting a message on your twitter handle, or facebook page. A strategy or plan to harness the enormous capabilities of social media will be a strong foundation to start with.

For example people post and tweet all types of tweets including looking for advice, products and services, meaning you can find who is looking for what you offer around your area. But how are you going to find them from the billions of posts per day? How are you going to turn your twitter and facebook followers into loyal customers?

Through the social media strategy, we set goals and objectives, discover your audiences, brainstorm on engaging tactics, identify result oriented tools, metrics and measurement, develop a content plan, define resources, performance guidelines and training, and set best practices for ongoing management and beyond.

Contact us to learn more and get started on getting the most out of social media.

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:54:37 +0000
E-Newsletters You may say you already so busy with projects, programmes and many other tasks at your hands, but if well thought and done well, an E-Newsletter can be a treasured asset for your organisation. Whether it is a non profit, or for profit, small or big organisation, an e-newsletter can go miles in building your reputation, fundraising, rallying volunteers and supporters. For profit organisation can get new customers, keep old ones and build strong reputable brands.

Following best practices the benefits of an e-newsletter can be overwhelming;

Effective Communication: As a written means of communication, newsletters keep your organisations' objectives and goals, products and services, and core values top of the mind conveying specific messages to many people in your audiences quickly and efficiently, sometimes with instant feedback, helping you make a personal connection with your customers and prospective ones.

Brand Recognition & Loyalty: Your new products and services, projects and programmes and activities can get more exposure tempting prospective customers, partners, and for NGOs, volunteers and supporters as well as grant leads. With an  informative newsletter, you help your customers or audiences build brand preference to your organisations' products and services increasing brand loyalty. With valuable information and insights, many will be looking out for your next newsletter, and may increase your chances for earned media and PR

Improve Website Traffic:  With links to your website in your newsletters, readers will always want to learn more about your content thus increasing traffic. This also promotes search engine optimisation improving your visibility in search engines for future visitors to easily find your products, services, projects and activities. 

In a nutshell newsletters will help in enhancing your organisation’s reputation and increasing publicity and leads, it can serve as a positive reinforcement to the media, provides instantaneous trackable results, and leverages marketing efforts among others.

A regular update on the activities, testimonials, achievements, prospects, insights, accountability, news, new products and services, and other information from your organisation, will go a long way in promoting your corporate image and popularise you within the public.

The e-newsletter can be emailed to mailing lists of your members, media houses, and even popular online and social media communities in Uganda.  It will also promote the website as readers will want details from it that of course has to be on the website.

Contact Us for a detailed proposal and strategy for your e-newsletter campaigns.

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:51:36 +0000
Online Donations Making money is hard enough, giving it should not be !!, that is why world class brands like paypal, ammado, among others have heavily invested in secure online payment systems that are packaged for NGOs around the world. The customisations for non-profits include among others fundraising for specific activities or projects, promotion of your project or activity to millions of potential donors, tracking of donations or fundraising progress. Improving convenience on your website will go a long way in building trust and calling donors to action.

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:50:43 +0000
Community Engagement The community is the reason why non-profits, government, corporates, associations, and virtually any other organisation actually exist. They are all formed to serve the needs of the community, be it for or not for profit all organisations would strive to be the best in the community. Therefore engaging the community in your organisation’s activities is by far the best thing you can do for your organisation’s success.

Because communities are slightly different, there are also different ways to engage with them also depending on your organisation’s objectives and goals. Using three basic concepts, you can show the community what the issues are, what you are trying to do about the issues, and how they join your army to make their community a better place. Through writing informative, analytical and educative content, through public speaking about the issues in the community, and through one-on-one conversions you can cement and promote your relationship with the community.

With the advent of the internet, and social media, your writing, your speeches, and one-on-one or word of the mouth conversations about your mission, can be amplified exponentially creating a rippling impact.

With your team, we can develop a community engagement plan, strategizing on creative approaches to engage your audience, popularise your mission, projects or activities. Could be through a creative engaging data driven tool, analytical research on community issues or a project, community opinion surveys, educative infographics, audio-video, campaigns, presentations, web experiences, among others, whatever it is, we can help you persuade your audiences to action. 

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:48:10 +0000
Membership Management For many associations, clubs, non-profits, your network of members defines whether your organisation moves on or stalls. Therefore proper management of membership is a key success factor in the non-profit world. Online features can guarantee good control of current members and improve convenience for new member applications be it free or paid.

You can attract and grow membership numbers, acquire and retain them with several self-service options, increase member engagement online through updates, forums, events etc. and empower them with new opportunities to improve member satisfaction and grow revenues.

This solution can be a combination of features like, membership management, event management, communications management, emails & enewsletters, customer service, event registration and tracking, recurring payments management, and website management.

Specifically you can;

  • Add, edit, and delete member information in your database.
  • You can create, renew, downgrade, and upgrade memberships on request.
  • Two-way communications to members by SMS, email, social media, telephone or post.
  • Create or organise events, sell tickets to events or a series of events.
  • Publish and deliver engaging text or audio-visual content.
  • Offer advertising prospects via listings and or targeted placements.
  • Simplify interaction and collaborative information and file sharing between members.
  • Track members' motivations, needs and interests and activity to provide relevant services and increase supplementary income from member donations.
]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:47:16 +0000
Earned Media & PR Get Earned Media

New studies have found that earned media is the most trusted source of information in all societies and that earned media is the channel most likely to persuade the consumer or audience to action.

Our world has become so “media centric” that you can’t afford to ignore this opportunity to popularise what you do. There are several creative ways to get attention and “coverage” in the professional media, which may not require you spending. This is called “earned professional media” it could be a news story, or be a privileged guest on a program or show, for something interesting and “news worthy” that you have done.

But in this dotcom era, where do journalists look first for information about you? Your guess is as good as mine, it most likely is going to be Google which then takes them to your website. Therefore a website designed to attract journalists and site visitors will increase your organization’s press coverage.

We understand which Information journalists want on websites and the format in which they expect to get it. We help you get inside the heads of journalists, understand their needs and their reactions to PR content and websites.

]]> (Super User) Solutions Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:39:08 +0000
Monitor sales, inventory, track orders, offer customer service Monitor sales, inventory, track orders, offer customer service

I need not mention again because I know you have been already told how important monitoring your business is. Depending on what you do or sell, we suggest modern tools to monitor virtually any aspect of your business with detailed and summarised report for sales, taxes if applicable, orders, inventory, out stock alerts, offer customer care online, get product reviews, and many more. 

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